Rhode Island's 2024 Scorecard
PROVIDENCE – The United States Golf Association announced Tuesday its 2024 Golf Scorecard, the organization’s first data report that highlights domestic golfer participation trends using information from scores posted under the World Handicap System.
With 3.35 million golfers posting over 77 million scores in 2024, Montaup Country Club led Rhode Island with 21,232 scores posted to GHIN. Overall, Rhode Island finished No. 6 in the country for 9-hole rounds posted.
Below is the list of rounds posted to GHIN per club in Rhode Island
- Montaup CC 21,232
- Alpine CC 21,065
- Pawtucket CC 17,881
- Quidnessett CC 15,698
- Kirkbrae CC 15,162
- Potowomut CC 14,548
- Green Valley CC. 13,611
- Wannamoisett CC 13,148
- Wanumetonomy G&CC 13,011
- Triggs Memorial GC 11,101
- Warwick CC 9,456
- North Kingstown GC 9,438
- Meadow Brook GC 8,703
- Point Judith CC. 8,541
- Newport National GC. 8,015
- Valley CC 7,856
- Lincoln CC 7,849
- Shelter Harbor GC 7,803
- Fenner Hill GC 7,733
- Crystal Lake GC 7,671
- Weekapaug GC 7,631
- The Misquamicut Club 7,416
- Rhode Island CC 7,231
- The Aquidneck Club 6,953
- Cranston CC 6,838
- Jamestown GC 6,295
- Exeter CC 6,201
- Newport CC 5,957
- Sakonnet GC 5,937
- Ledgemont CC 5,417
- Agawam Hunt 5,188
- Winnapaug CC 4,935
- Louisquisset GC 4,444
- Richmond CC 4,408
- West Warwick CC 4,107
- Country View GC 4,010
- Melody Hill CC 3,707
- Glocester CC 3,497
- Laurel Lane CC 3,057
- Beaver River GC 2,699
- Kings Crossing GC 2,686
- Pinecrest GC 2,556
- Foster CC 2,350
- Midville GC 2,088
- Harbor Lights G&CC 1,538
- South Shore Village GC. 1,406
- Rolling Greens GC 1,293
- Met Links 1,254
- East Greenwich GC 1,070
- Rose Hill GC 674
- Coventry Pines GC 494
- Goddard Park GC 466
- Wood River GC 389
- Button Hole GC 243
- Fairlawn GC 70
- Silver Spring GC 49
- Windmill Hill GC 49
- The Preserve at Boulder Hill 5